I (baund)

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I is a Norwegian hivy metal supergroup formed in 2006 in Norawa. I contains members frae various black metal baunds; Immortal (Abbath Doom Occulta an Armagedda), Gorgoroth (TC King), an Enslaved (Arve Isdal, kent as Ice Dale an aw). Accordin tae the offeecial wabsteid of the baund ane o their major influences is Bathory.[1]

Style[eedit | eedit soorce]

The baund features Abbath's raw black metal vocals accompanied wi a classic metal influenced soond. Blasts beats an some o the mair "erratic" structural traits o black metal hae been excludit an aw, this gives the baund mair o a classic metal soond but the black metal influences are still evident givin the baund a unique sound.

Discography[eedit | eedit soorce]

  • Between Two Worlds (2006)

Line-up[eedit | eedit soorce]

References[eedit | eedit soorce]

  1. "Official homepage". Archived frae the original on 1 August 2015. Retrieved 15 September 2011.

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